We have been here just over a week! Have said goodbye to some of the women who joined, and continue with others. Two of us have decided to extend another week.
Every day has been a "mission" so to speak. From cooking to agriculture and everything in between. Our day of cooking included meals for soldiers, families of hostages, parents of injured soldiers sitting in the hospitals and displaced families. From starting the morning with chopping baskets of vegetables to watching the end product being loaded into a cab for delivery ... and the driver refused to take money for the trip.
We have brought over $4000 worth of goods to soldiers (thank you to the generous donors), paid for a bbq for soldiers last week and having another meal for soldiers next week (pictures to follow).
We spent time at "Hostage Square" sitting with the families waiting for their loved ones to be released and listening to their stories. The more they share, the more they keep their loved ones alive. The pain is indescribable.
Many have asked if I have gone to the kibbutzim to see the devastation. My answer is no. It does not feel right for me. To bear witness to this tragedy and ongoing nightmare is to sit with the families of the hostages and those who have lost half of their communities. To be uncomfortable, knowing I have nothing to say to them except to offer a hug and let them know we are here and we care. Again, there are no words...
A few photos from the last few days. They say it "takes a village" ... In this case, it takes the world!

Yes ... even toothbrushes! Thanks to Seagal for delivering some of our goods to the guys in the north!

And the cooking begins ...

Time to sit for a break and we loved the well-behaved cafe dogs!

Hostage square ...

Our next car is packed and we are headed towards the "otef" - the southern area closest to Gaza to deliver to the troops!

A huge delivery to special forces in the south ...

The bags are filled with so many items from all of the generous donations! Look at the guy holding all of the black warm jackets. They could not have been more appreciative. An amazing unit of incredible men (23, .24, 25 yr old!)

Thank you to Kobi for a very long day, driving us down to the south, sharing incredible information and answering questions for all of us. What an honor to have done this!

While beautiful ... the quiet is deafening!
Thanks for joining me (us) on this journey and sending all of your well wishes!
Wow Wendy... warms my heart to see those pictures. Thank You! Thank You for everything.
I cant wait to hear all the stories about this special visit and the people you met.
God Bless You and SO proud of you my dear friend.
all i can say is bless you, wendy!!!❤️ i can just see your oma and opa up in the olam habah beaming in pride as they look down at you!