As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. I'll do my best to explain some of what we are experiencing, our volunteer efforts, and the heavy feeling in this country! It's an Israel I have never experienced and hope never to in the future. I want to thank everyone who has reached out, and made contributions! More pictures will be coming, showing where the donations are being used.
I have the distinct honor of having a group of women with me, who jumped into action and joined me during this time. We are a group that started as strangers and quickly became friends - shared tears, sweat, and many conversations. And this is just Day 4.

Arrived ... now trying to figure out how to get all the bags filled with donations out ... persistence and a bit of ingenuity. Not so easy when going on 36 hrs of no sleep but we prevailed.

Dropped our personal bags at the hotel and at 9:30 am we are already at the first donation drop spot! Within an hour, the gear was delivered off to units in the north and south!

Everywhere you go ... BRING THEM HOME! The pain is visible on every face, every street corner.

First morning ... 5:30 am walking to the bus, in the rain, to go volunteer in the south at a tomato farm.

Have to believe this is a good sign!

Work begins ...

Acquiring a great deal of respect for farmers! This is only the beginning. We harvested the entire greenhouse and then cleared the next greenhouse that was already harvested to prepare for the next planting.

Tall gentleman on the right with the stripes on his shoulder is the owner of the farm. His son was murdered. They told us that if the volunteers were not there to harvest, they would have lost the farm!

Now the NOVA Exhibit ... no words. They touched every sense to have you walk into the building and believe you are at the festival to understand the level of brutality ... without showing it. Even incense that smelled like bonfires.

Cars from the NOVA festival

We chose to stay in a local hostel for the simple purpose of being where some of the displaced families are. Hear their stories, and see what this looks like in real life. They are resilient and determined. Certainly offers perspective in life!

Cooking for Shabbat in the hostel. Trying to create normalcy during a time that makes no sense

Sitting in the lobby ... it's everywhere!

Saturday night gathering of 1000s for the 100th day in captivity. 24 hours the families will be telling their stories. It's hard to understand how they can wake up and take a breath. The stories of the girls that were released ... the sexual assaults are unimagineable.

Distinct honor to have Benny Ganz right next to me - passing in the crowd. What a gentleman!

No words .
Thank you so much for sharing this. Very heart breaking.
Thank you Wendy for sharing your experience. It is so hard to wrap my head around all of this. Please stay safe and well..and keep I will share all of your emails and pictures...
wendy, praying that you and the guys are managing to stay safe.