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  • Writer's pictureWendy Yaniv - Founder / Group Leader

"I WILL be back ..."

One of the reasons that I keep bringing tours to Israel is that I love seeing the impact that Israel has on each person - each in a different way - each taking back with them something special and meaningful to them! That's possible because Israel is such a varied tapestry of skin colors, languages, religions, history, architecture, foods, music ... and the list goes on. The 5 Senses TourĀ® wants to open it open it all to you. Our pre-conceived notions get pushed to the side, our minds are opened, our questions multiply and our experiences are unforgettable. Come see for yourself the REAL Israel and enjoy some beautiful sites, sounds, food and wine along the way! October 25 - Nov 4 - Coed / Interfaith - 3 spaces remain

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